Browse by Topic
- 2001 UNESCO Convention
- acquis judiciaire
- activities in contested areas
- advisory opinion
- Alboran Sea
- Area
- areas beyond national jurisdiction
- Armed Robbery at Sea
- arms embargo
- Article 105 UNCLOS
- Article 6(1) ICCPR
- Article 83(3) UNCLOS
- artificial intelligence
- artificial island
- asylum
- Atlantic Ocean
- audit quality
- auditing
- automation
- autonomous
- autonomous vessels
- Bay of Bengal
- benefit-sharing
- biodiversity
- biodiversity conservation
- blue bonds
- blue economy
- boat migrants
- boundary delimitations
- Canada
- China
- Climate Change
- common concern
- common heritage of mankind
- consensus
- conservation
- continental shelf
- continental shelf within and beyond 200 nm
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- cooperation
- counter-piracy operations
- Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
- COVID-19
- criminal law
- criminal system
- cruise ships
- cyber code
- cyber risk management
- cyber security
- cyber-attacks
- deep sea mineral resources; polymetallic nodules; International Seabed Authority; marine genetic resources; ABNJ
- deep-sea mining
- defence teams
- Definition
- delimitation
- delimitation beyond 200M
- digital sequence information
- Disembarkation
- due diligence
- East Asia
- ecosystem-based management
- effectivity
- enforcement jurisdiction
- Enrica Lexie case
- environmental impact assessment
- equidistance/relevant circumstances
- equity
- ethics
- EU Law
- EU maritime policy
- EU migration policies
- EUNAVFOR Operation Sophia
- European Court of Human Rights
- European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
- European Union
- European Union (EU)
- European Union competence
- European Union Naval Force Mediterranean IRINI
- European Union; international responsibility; normative control; European exceptional- ism; responsibility of international organizations; illegal
- exclusive economic zone
- Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)
- extraterritoriality
- fishery resource
- fixed platform
- flag State
- flag states
- forum selection
- freedom of expression
- French ship protection Act
- Frontex
- global commons
- governance framework
- Greece
- Greenpeace
- greenwashing
- Gulf of Guinea
- Guyana
- high seas
- human rights
- iimmunities of State vessels
- information sharing
- institutional framework
- Integrated coastal zone management
- Inter- national Maritime Organization
- interdiction operations
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- International Law
- international law of the sea
- international legally binding instrument
- international maritime organisation
- international responsibility
- International Seabed Authority
- International Seabed Authority (ISA)
- International straits
- ISM code
- Italian state practice
- IUU fishing
- Japan’s Anti-Piracy Act of 2009
- jurisdiction
- Khlaifia v Italy
- Korea
- Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
- launch activities
- law en- forcement measures
- law enforcement at sea
- law of the sea
- legal
- legal regime
- legal remedies
- Libya
- marine biodiversity
- marine environment protection
- marine genetic resources
- Marine Insurance Act 1906
- Marine Spatial Planning
- Maritime accidents
- maritime affairs
- maritime code of conduct
- Maritime Crime
- maritime delimitation
- maritime disputed area (MDA)
- maritime disputes
- maritime domain
- maritime governance
- Maritime Law
- Maritime Rescue
- maritime safety
- maritime security
- maritime spatial planning
- maritime terrorism
- Maritime Transportation
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean Sea
- migrant interdictions
- Migrant Smuggling Protocol
- Migrants
- migration
- military activities
- Montreux Convention on Turkish Straits
- Montreux Document
- Nansha Islands
- national efforts
- natural resources
- negligence
- NGOs
- Nigeria
- Non-Refoulement
- ocean governance
- offshore renewable energy
- outer space law
- package deal
- piracy
- Political Risk
- pollution
- private maritime security companies
- private military and security companies (PMSC)
- private security
- privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP)
- privatisation
- prosecution of piracy
- protection of merchant ships
- protection of the marine environment
- province of mankind
- ransom ban
- Refugees
- regulation
- right to peaceful protest
- right to science
- robotics
- Russian Federation
- safety management
- safety management system
- Safety of navigation
- sanctions
- SAR Convention
- seafarers
- seamen labour regulations
- search and rescue
- Search and rescue operations
- security
- security at sea
- ship protection at sea
- ship-owners regulations
- Shipping
- ships
- sincere cooperation
- smuggling of migrants
- South China Sea
- sovereign immunity
- sovereignty
- space law
- spaceflight
- Spanish enclaves
- Spatial planning
- standards
- state responsibility
- state succession
- stateless vessels
- Strategic litigation
- SUA Convention
- Suriname
- sustainability
- sustainable development
- sustainable use
- tacit delimitation agreement
- territorial sea
- the Area
- three-stage method
- trade and investment
- transit charges
- treaty drafting
- Turkish Straits
- UN Security Council
- underwater cultural heritage
- UNESCO 2001
- United Nations Convention on the Law and Sea
- universal jurisdiction on piracy
- unmanned vessels
- unreported and unregulated fishing activities
- UNSC Resolution 1970 (2011)
- use of lethal force
- vessel protection detachments
- vulnerability
- Western Sahara waters
- ‘Place of Safety’