
Issue 07 2019-2020

Why Evolving European SAR Policies Threaten Merchant Shipping

by Richard KILPATRICK 20 March 2020

Operators of commercial vessels have rescued tens of thousands of migrant seafarers in the Mediter- ranean Sea since 2014. For commercial actors, swift disembarkation of survivors is critical to ensure safety and prevent further disruption to the rescuing vessel’s primary voyage. From 2014 through 2017, European coastal states such as Italy, Malta, and Greece permitted …More

Issue 04 2018

Migration in the Mediterranean: Exposing the Limits of Vulnerability at the European Court of Human Rights

by Ben HUDSON 4 September 2018

In recent years, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has been increasingly called upon to settle disputes pertaining to migration in the Mediterranean. This article examines the developments in the ECtHR’s pertinent case law through the lens of vulnerability, a concept that offers much potential for developing the Convention on Human Rights in response to new challenges, …More