
The Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (MarSafeLaw Journal) processes data in accordance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 and current legislations on the protection of personal data.

The Data Controller is:

Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (MarSafeLaw Journal)

Istituto di studi giuridici internazionali CNR
Via dei Taurini, 19

00185 Roma


  1. Processing methods and data retention

The MarSafeLaw Journal only processes navigation data for purposes related to improving online communication and fulfilling the requirements of national regulations.

The data are processed:

  • in full compliance with applicable legislation, based on the information provided and in a fair and transparent manner;
  • collecting a minimum number of data and in any case collecting only the data strictly necessary for the functioning of the website;
  • in a precise and updated way;
  • retaining the data only for the time necessary to guarantee the functioning of the site and to comply with any regulatory obligations. The data will then be deleted or anonymized.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

No particular categories of data will be processed (articles 9 and 10 European Regulation 2016/679).

  • Personal data collected

Browsing data: the software systems and procedures on which this website runs might process some personal data whose transmission is inherent to the Internet’s communication protocols. The aforementioned data category (which includes, for example but not exhaustively, IP and DNS addresses) is processed by the controller for statistical reasons and in an anonymous form, but can be cross-correlated through a series of operations in order to render the user identifiable, for instance to ascertain its liability in case of damages to the website’s infrastructure.

Cookies: Cookies are small, automatically generated text files that get downloaded by the user’s device after browsing the website. Some of those files (session cookies) are removed automatically at the end of the browsing session. Some other cookies remain on the user’s device after the end of the browsing session. If the user does not desire to store cookies, he can avoid downloading them through the appropriate browser configuration. In certain cases, however, cookies might be necessary for the functioning of some parts of the website. The MarSafeLaw Journal utilizes third party (i.e., Google’s analytic cookies) in order to improve the service’s quality and to evaluate its content’s usage. In relation to those cookies, please refer to Google’s cookie policy. By continuing to browse the website, the user consents to the deployment of cookies in its device.

  •  Data disclosure towards third parties

All those who will process the data will be appointed and instructed.

The collected data will not be disclosed. The data may be disclosed to third parties (service and repair centres, digital platforms), identified and appointed as Data Processors pursuant to art. 28 and following of Reg. 2016/679 if necessary for the purposes indicated above. The data will be processed only by entities established within the European Union. Information on the Data Processors can be requested at the addresses indicated in the following point (4).

  • Data subject’s rights

In relation to the processing of the data listed above, any data subject may request:

  • confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him is being processed and, in this case, to obtain access to personal data as well as the origin of such data, the purposes, methods of processing and the logic applied in the event of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
  • the updating, integration, rectification, cancellation or transformation into anonymous form of personal data referable to him;
  • to limit or oppose the processing of personal data referable to him;
  • to receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him or the transmission of the same to another data controller (so-called right to portability);
  • certification that the requested operations have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated.

For any request regarding personal data, including the exercise of their rights, any data subject can contact us at the following address:

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer (DPO):

The Data Controller provides feedback to requests within 30 (thirty) days of their receipt, unless extended by 60 (sixty) days, taking into account their complexity and number; after the expiration of the terms indicated above, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Authority in the forms and methods provided for by current legislation.

Cookies Policy

This cookie policy describes the use of cookies by this site. The data controller is the person referred to by the site indicated in the Privacy Policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files that websites use to store and collect information through the browser. They are mainly used to measure and improve the quality of the site through the analysis of visitor behavior, to personalize pages and remember user preferences.

This policy complies with the provisions of the new European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and takes into account the draft ePrivacy Regulation currently being approved. The Data Controller may modify the following information in order to comply with the new regulatory requirements regarding Cookies.

  1. Cookies Policy

Cookies are defined as “first party” when they are installed by the site the user is visiting, while they are “third party” when they are set by a website other than the one the user is visiting: it is in fact possible that on website contains elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than that of the site visited.

The duration of the installed cookies can be limited to the browsing session or extended for a longer time, even after the user has left the visited site. The session cookies used on the website avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users’ browsing.

To disable, remove or block cookies, you can use your browser settings or the DoNotTrack option, where available. In case of deactivation, the complete usability of the website is not guaranteed.

  • Types of cookies and their functionality

A. Technical cookies

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the sites and are used to manage the login and access to the reserved functions of the site. The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the work session (when the browser is closed they are deleted). Their deactivation compromises the use of the services accessible from login.

B Analytical cookies:

Analytical cookies are used to statistically analyze accesses / visits to the site, and only pursue statistical purposes and not profiling or marketing. They collect information in aggregate form, without the possibility of tracing the personal identification of the individual user. It is always possible to disable these cookies (so-called opt out) in the manner provided for in paragraph 3.

Currently the site uses only Google Analytics whose privacy information is present at the following address:

C Profiling cookies:

Profiling cookies allow websites to collect data relating to the experience of use and use of their contents by users, in order to outline consumption habits profiles and send commercial communications, as well as to personalize the navigation pages in line with the profiles and interests of different users. This site does not use profiling cookies.

  • Enabling / disabling of cookies through the browser

There are several ways to manage cookies and other traceability technologies. By changing your browser settings, you can accept or reject cookies or decide to receive a warning message before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit. We remind you that by completely disabling cookies in your browser you may not be able to use all our interactive features.

If you use multiple computers in different locations, make sure that each browser is set up to suit your preferences.

You can delete all the cookies installed in the cookie folder of your browser. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Click on one of the links below for specific instructions.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

In addition to being able to use the tools provided by the browser to activate or deactivate individual cookies, we inform you that the website shows the list (constantly updated) of the main providers who work with website managers to collect and use useful information for the use of behavioral advertising. This tool allows the user to disable or enable cookies for all companies or, alternatively, adjust their preferences for each individual company