The Superposition of National Legal Regimes in Maritime Disputed Areas

by Denys-Sacha ROBIN Pascale RICARD 17 October 2022

Superposition of national legal regimes in maritime disputed areas is governed by a set of international rules provided for in Articles 74 and 83 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). According to those articles, and as the international jurisprudence confirmed, not all activities are permissible in those areas, and …More


Operation EUNAVFOR MED IRINI: The Implementation of the United Nations Arms Embargo at Sea by the European Union

by Ioannis STRIBIS 13 October 2022

The article presents the legal framework of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI, a naval force established by the EU to contribute to the implementation of the arms embargo on Libya by UNSC Resolution 1970 (2011). The legal basis of IRINI is to be found both in the EU Council’s Decision establishing it, and the UNSC Resolution it …More


Privatisation of Policing at Sea by States and the European Union and its Challenges under International Law

by Efthymios PAPASTAVRIDIS 8 August 2022

This article discusses the privatisation of policing at sea, in the form of the delegation of police powers by States and the EU to private vessels. Admittedly, such privatisation has significantly increased the last years and gives rise to numerous international law questions, including questions concerning the consistency of such practice with international law, the …More