Against a Uniform Definition of Maritime Piracy

6 October 2016 | by Editorial Board

Many scholars argue that a major obstacle to eradicating the global problem of maritime piracy is the lack of a uniform definition of piracy. Their chief concern is that without a uniform definition, it is difficult to formulate responses on a systemic and global level. This article contends that having multiple definitions of piracy for …More

Looking at the Montreux Document from a Maritime Perspective

15 April 2016 | by Editorial Board

The Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies was drafted with a view to apply to land-based settings. However, one of the prime markets of the private security industry today is the protection of merchant ships from criminal threats like piracy and armed robbery at sea. This warrants a discussion on the pertinence and …More

EUNAVFOR Operation Sophia and the International Law of the Sea

15 April 2016 | by Editorial Board

EUNAVFOR Operation Sophia was launched in summer 2015 in order to combat the smuggling of migrants in the South Mediterranean Sea, as part of a more comprehensive response by the EU to the ongoing and increasing refugee crisis in Europe. Its mandate includes the interdiction of vessels suspected of engaging in the smuggling of migrants …More

The Arbitral Award in the Bangladesh-India Maritime Delimitation in the Bay of Bengal and its Contribution to International Maritime Boundary Law: A Case Commentary

10 March 2016 | by Editorial Board

The Arbitral Tribunal rendered its Award in the maritime delimitation dispute between Bangladesh and India in the Bay of Bengal on 7 July 2014. It delimited the parties’ territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, including the area beyond 200 nautical miles. Overall, the Arbitral Tribunal’s approach in delimiting the exclusive economic zone …More

The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration and Acts of Protest at Sea

10 March 2016 | by Editorial Board

The present article analyses the Arctic Sunrise arbitration, which concerns the lawfulness of the boarding and seizure of the Dutch-flagged vessel, Arctic Sunrise, during a protest against the oil rig Prirazlomnaya in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation. Even though the Arctic Sunrise vessel was three nautical miles from the rig, the Greenpeace …More

“Pirates, but not of the Caribbean”: The French Private Ship Protection Act

10 March 2016 | by Editorial Board

After comparing the legal frameworks related to piracy with those of Europe’s main countries, the French legislator recently released a comprehensive set of rules in order to allow ship-owners to embark protection teams aboard merchant ships in an effort to prevent pirate attacks. As this kind of economic activity implies specific skills and liability linked …More

A Word from the Editor-in-Chief

5 August 2015 | by Admin

The idea of launching a peer-reviewed journal on specific issues related to maritime security and safety was developed within the framework of Cost Action IS1105 MARSAFENET. This network, founded in 2012, brings together international scholars and experts working on legal aspects of maritime safety and security. The aim of the Maritime Safety and Security Law …More

Introducing Maritime Spatial Planning Legislation in the EU: Fishing in Troubled Waters?

5 August 2015 | by Admin

Maritime spatial planning (MSP) is a process that enhances comprehensive management of marine space in line with the ecosystem-based approach. Initially introduced as a tool for environmental protection and conservation at the national level, it is nowadays associated with the expansion and intensification of human activities, mainly of an economic nature, in offshore waters and …More

Building upon the Developments in the Law of the Sea: The Extension of the Concept of Sustainable Development to Outer Space

5 August 2015 | by Admin

The current legal regime regulating activities in outer space does not provide for rules capable of handling the complex process of developing the mining industry in outer space. This article proposes extending the concept of sustainable development to the domain of outer space. The application of sustainable development to outer space can be better understood …More