28 October 2024
| by Editorial Board
Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (MarSafeLaw Journal) is pleased to contribute to the debate by welcoming submissions for a special issue on the topic “The Impact of Environmental and Climate Change on the Oceans and Marine Resources”. The Journal aims to place special emphasis on contemporary issues, recent legal precedents, emerging legislation, new policy …More
23 May 2024
| by Editorial Board
The inaugural conference of the MCC Project, to be held at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 on October 18, 2024, will focus on human and cultural rights issues at the interface between the law of the sea and the law of climate. At the heart of these debates are fishing and the right to …More
14 December 2023
| by Editorial Board
Maritime Safety and Security Law Journal (MarSafeLaw Journal) is pleased to contribute to such academic debate by welcoming submissions under the topic “Law and Science in Ocean and Maritime Affairs”. The Journal aims to place special emphasis on contemporary issues, recent legal precedents, Emerging legislation, new policy inputs, and ongoing proposals for law reform within …More