The Directive of the European Parliament and the Council of July 2014 established a general framework for Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) among EU Member States. The Directive aims to promote the sustainable development of marine areas and equitable use of marine resources. Within this context, Greece has initiated the procedure of the Directive’s transposition into …More
Marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction: The launch of an intergovernmental conference for the adoption of a legally binding instrument under the UNCLOS
31 January 2019On 24 December 2017, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 72/249 dealing with the development of an International legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. In line with the Resolution, a new intergovernmental conference met …More
The Pending Maritime Delimitations between Spain and Morocco: Sovereignty, Status and Feasibility
3 November 2018The pending maritime delimitations between Spain and Morocco are highly complex and noteworthy due to the existence of diverse factors, namely the particularity that the delimitations shall be conducted in two different seas: the Alboran Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, various sovereignty issues must be addressed, such as the Spanish enclaves in North Africa, …More
The Effect of Unmanned Vessels on Canadian Law: Some Basic Legal Concepts
13 October 2018For the first time, the possibility exists for ships to navigate the world with no person on board. Unmanned vessels promise safer and less costly navigation at sea. However, arguments have been made that electronically operated devices may malfunction or be defective and that the cost-savings they operate may be offset by the cost of …More
- Keywords:
- automation
- autonomous
- Canada
- robotics
- ships
- unmanned vessels
Migration in the Mediterranean: Exposing the Limits of Vulnerability at the European Court of Human Rights
4 September 2018In recent years, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has been increasingly called upon to settle disputes pertaining to migration in the Mediterranean. This article examines the developments in the ECtHR’s pertinent case law through the lens of vulnerability, a concept that offers much potential for developing the Convention on Human Rights in response to new challenges, …More
Non-Governmental Organisations and Search and Rescue at Sea
23 June 2018Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have become increasingly involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean Sea in order to fill a gap in humanitarian protection. This article examines the legal framework of their search and rescue activities. The international law of the sea sets out an obligation to render assistance to persons in distress at sea. …More